Handouts for my Gospels class in Morogoro, Tanzania
This page is primarily for my students in Morogoro, Tanzania, where I’m teaching the Gospels for the next little while. I shall share the handouts in English and (computer) Swahili here for you to download. This list will grow as the class progresses, so please keep visiting to pick up the handouts.
Ukurasa huu kimsingi ni wa wanafunzi wangu wa Morogoro, Tanzania, ambapo ninafundisha Injili kwa muda mfupi ujao. Nitashiriki vijitabu kwa Kiingereza na (kompyuta) Kiswahili hapa ili upakue. Orodha hii itakua kadri darasa linavyoendelea, kwa hivyo tafadhali endelea kutembelea ili kuchukua vijitabu.
Here are the handouts for our first day, Monday 16 September (there is no handout for class 1):
Hizi hapa zawadi za siku yetu ya kwanza, Jumatatu tarehe 16 Septemba (hakuna kitini cha darasa la 1):
Class 2: English and kiswahili
Class 3 in English and kiswahili
Class 4 in English and kiswahili
(this class takes place on Wednesday, but you’ll need this handout to prepare for Wednesday;
darasa hili litafanyika Jumatano, lakini utahitaji kitini hiki kujiandaa kwa ajili ya Jumatano).
And here are the slides from the classes on Monday 16 September:
Na hapa kuna slaidi kutoka kwa madarasa mnamo Jumatatu 16 Septemba:
Here are the handouts for our second day, Wednesday 18 September (you can already get the handout for class 4 above):
Hivi ni vijitabu vya siku yetu ya pili, Jumatano, tarehe 18 Septemba (tayari unaweza kupata kitini cha darasa la 4 hapo juu):
Class 5: English and kiswahili
Class 6: English and kiswahili
The preparation for Friday 20 September is at the end of the handout for class 6.
Maandalizi ya Ijumaa 20 Septemba ni mwisho wa kitini cha darasa la 6.
Here are the slides from our classes on Wednesday 18 September:
Hizi hapa ni slaidi kutoka kwa madarasa yetu ya Jumatano 18 Septemba:
Slides for Wednesday 19 September
Here are the handouts for Friday 20 September—note there is no handout for our first class on Friday, when we shall be reviewing your work on exegesis of the Gospels.
Hapa kuna vijitabu vya Ijumaa tarehe 20 Septemba—hakuna kitini kwa darasa letu la kwanza siku ya Ijumaa, tutakapokuwa tukipitia kazi yako ya ufafanuzi wa Injili.
Class 8: English and kiswahili
Class 9: English and kiswahili
Class 10: English and kiswahili
Slides in English for Friday 21 September
Slaidi za Kiswahili kwa Ijumaa tarehe 21 Septemba
Here are the handouts for Monday 23 September.
Hizi hapa takrima za Jumatatu tarehe 23 Septemba.
Class 11: English and kiswahili
Class 12: English and kiswahili
Class 13: English and kiswahili
Slides in English for Monday 23 September
Slaidi za Kiswahili za Jumatatu tarehe 23 Septemba
Here are the handouts for Wednesday 25 September (there is no handout for the first class)
Hizi hapa takrima za Jumatano tarehe 25 Septemba (hakuna kitini cha darasa la kwanza)
Class 15 English and kiswahili
Class 16 English and kiswahili
Slides in English for Wednesday 25 September
Slaidi za Kiswahili kwa Jumatano tarehe 25 Septemba
Here is the assessment task for this course on the Gospels in English. You must hand it in by 4 pm on Monday 30 September.
Hapa kuna kazi ya tathmini ya kozi hii ya Injili za Kiswahili. Ni lazima uikabidhi ifikapo saa kumi jioni Jumatatu tarehe 30 Septemba.
Here are the handouts for Friday 27 September (there is no handout for the first class).
Hapa kuna takrima za Ijumaa tarehe 27 Septemba (hakuna kitini cha darasa la kwanza).
Slides in English for Friday 27 September
Slaidi za Kiswahili kwa Ijumaa tarehe 27 Septemba
Here are the handouts for Monday 30 September
Hizi hapa takrima za Jumatatu tarehe 30 Septemba
Slides in English for Monday 29 September
Slaidi za Kiswahili za Jumatatu tarehe 29 Septemba
Thank you for the good teaching for us personally I have happy for the teaching how can we get the book
The book is available from amazon.co.uk here: https://tinyurl.com/27znyduo
If you are at Morogoro Bible College, the library will soon have a copy.
Thanks for this notes of New testament Which help me to understand well the word of God especially teaching concerned to Jesus Christ and his mission.
Please prof.Steve if there are any more teaching apart from that may you send me any time, please!
All in all thank you so much for very good lectures to the class.Be blessed so much!!
Pro. Steve, thank you so much for the long awaited lecture and notes on Synoptic Gospel
It has been so wonderful. Hopefully Morogoro Bible College will Early next year invite you again for more lectures. Stay blessed. Duncan.