Tag: publishing

Kristen Padilla’s helpful book for women considering Christian ministry

Kristen Padilla Now That I’m Called: A Guide for Women Discerning a Call to Ministry (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018) ISBN 978 0 310 53218 7 My friend Kristen Padilla has published (out on 12 June) a very helpful new book aimed at young women from an evangelical tradition considering Christian ministry. It’s well-written, engaging and highly readable. Each of the...

Larry Hurtado and Lea Keck on whether the NT is a ‘field of study’

     In case you missed it, here’s a fascinating post by Larry Hurtado, based on a very interesting article by Leander Keck about whether we should consider the New Testament as a ‘field of study’ separate from other early Christian literature. Hurtado’s conclusion is particularly interesting to me: In short, for theological purposes the NT is (and should be)...

Details of our day conference on Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger

    Here’s more detailed information on the soon-coming day conference on the theological impact of Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger on Tuesday 8 November. This should be a cracker! New Testament folk will be particularly interested to hear Richard Burridge (pictured on the right above), whose work on the genre of the Gospels has been incredibly influential. The day conference is followed by...