Tag: New Testament Studies

A fascinating discussion of Matthew Novenson’s The Grammar of Messianism

There’s a really interesting conversation about Matthew Novenson’s fascinating The Grammar of Messianism going on at Syndicate, the home of many such book discussions, at present. A key claim of the book is that it helps to think about ‘Messiah’ passages in Jewish and Christian texts as engaging in a ‘language game’ in which they use the term in a...

An interview about my book The Urban World and the First Christians

Tavis Bohlinger of the Logos Academic blog recently interviewed David Gill, Paul Trebilco and me about our edited book The Urban World and the First Christians (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017), and combined the result with some fab photos of Corinth and Philippi taken by David Gill. The interview is here. The good news is that the book is now available electronically...

Editio Critica Maior Acts: my ‘exegete’s view’ slides

Here are the slides from my brief talk in the Book of Acts seminar session on the new Editio Critica Maior (major critical edition) of Acts at the British New Testament Conference last week. The whole session was fascinating with talks by four major textual critics including (from left to right) Dirk Jongkind (an editor of the Tyndale House Greek NT project), Tommy...