17 August 2023 Is the Roman Empire a friend or a foe in Acts? I’m giving a paper to the Hindustan Bible Institute, Chennai, India’s online research seminar today (17 August), and so here are the slides and the handout for this talk. Thoughts and comments welcome! Categories Articles and papers/Research/Speaking Comments: 4
24 July 2023 Reading Acts Theologically—in paperback! I’m delighted to say that my book Reading Acts Theologically, published in July 2022 by T. & T. Clark/Bloomsbury, will be available in paperback on 24 January 2024, which makes it much more affordable. The official price is £28.99, but you can pre-prder it from the Bloomsbury website here for £26.09. For more about the book, see my post about... Categories Books and articles/Research/Writing Comments: 2
21 May 2023 Jesus’ Ascension: slides and a sermon I had the delight of speaking about Jesus’s ascension at Emmanuel Church, Loughborough this morning, based on Acts 1:1-14. Here are my slides and the video of the sermon. Thoughts most welcome! In case it’s of interest, I was drawing on some articles which I’ve written on this area: Walton, Steve. “‘The Heavens Opened’: Cosmological and Theological Transformation in Luke... Categories Research/Speaking Comments: 0
17 April 2023 Slides and video of my talk on Acts 2:22-36 I had the privilege on Sunday morning of preaching on Acts 2:22-36 for Emmanuel Church, Loughborough. The video is above. Here are the slides in pdf format. Thoughts and comments welcome! Categories Research/Speaking Comments: 2
10 April 2023 Saul’s change of name to Paul The lovely people at the Logos Academic blog kindly commissioned and published a piece from me on what Saul of Tarsus’ name changed to Paul. This is an issue I had to think about in the light of this shift in Acts, and the fact that he’s always ‘Paul’ in his letters. Enjoy! Comments are most welcome. Categories Articles and papers/Books and articles/Research/Study Comments: 6
27 March 2023 Slides from a sermon on John 12:20-36 I preached yesterday evening at our evening service at Emmanuel, Loughborough, and had the privilege of exploring this very rich section of John, with its many images of the death of Jesus. Here are my slides—thoughts and comments welcome. Categories Speaking Comments: 0