Tag: New Testament Studies

Slides and handout on ‘Wealth and possessions according to Acts 11–28’ (my SBL paper)

I enjoyed contributing to to a seminar on ‘Wealth and Poverty in Luke-Acts, Revisited’ at the SBL annual meeting in Denver recently. I spoke on ‘Wealth and possessions according to Acts 11–28’, a neglected part of Luke-Acts in this discussion. Here are my slides from the talk, and here is the handout I made available through the SBL/AAR app (I...

A cracking read: Luke Timothy Johnson’s autobiography as a scholar

Luke Timothy Johnson, The Mind in Another Place: My Life as a ScholarGrand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2022. ISBN 978-0-8028-8011-6. I read Luke Timothy Johnson’s book with great appreciation over the weekend. It’s clear, lucid, engaging, and very encouraging and stimulating. I’ve long been an admirer of his work: his published PhD dissertation, The Literary Function of Possessions in Luke-Acts (SBLDS 39;...

A live performance of Richard Burridge’s new translation of the Gospel of Mark

My friend the New Testament scholar Richard Burridge has worked on a new English translation of Mark’s Gospel, seeking to be as true as possible to the word order, verb tenses, word-plays and puns in Greek, and the like. I’ve read sections of this and it’s fascinating—at times it sounds rather Yoda-like in its word order, and that helps recognise...