29 October 2018 Making Sense of Luke—slides Here are the slides from my two talks on Luke’s Gospel at St John’s, Waterbeach on Sunday evening. Thanks to Paul Butler for his kind invitation and warm hospitality! Overview of Luke Luke 23 Categories Speaking Comment: 1
13 September 2018 Tavis Bohlinger on the British New Testament Conference The excellent Tavis Bohlinger has shared his experience of the British New Testament Conference at St Mary’s University, Twickenham last week here. It’s a nice combination of the people he met, the papers he heard, and some lovely photos. Thanks! Has anyone else blogged about the conference and would like me to share their link? Please reply below. Categories Articles and papers/Conferences/Research Comment: 1
12 September 2018 Editio Critica Maior Acts: my ‘exegete’s view’ slides Here are the slides from my brief talk in the Book of Acts seminar session on the new Editio Critica Maior (major critical edition) of Acts at the British New Testament Conference last week. The whole session was fascinating with talks by four major textual critics including (from left to right) Dirk Jongkind (an editor of the Tyndale House Greek NT project), Tommy... Categories Articles and papers/Books and articles/Conferences/People/Research/Reviews/Speaking Comments: 0
30 August 2018 My review of Joel Green on conversion in Luke-Acts The latest issue of the journal Themelios has appeared online, and contains my review of Joel B. Green’s fine book, Conversion in Luke-Acts. Well worth reading—the book, as well as my review! Categories Books and articles/Reviews Comments: 0
22 June 2018 Closing the Gap: a very worthwhile conference in Durham (3) This is the third (and final) post about this conference in Durham. The first two are here and here. Many thanks to Tavis Bohlinger for his excellent photographs of the second day of the conference, reproduced above and below with his kind permission. Day two started with Dr Wesley (Wes) Hill... Categories Conferences/Research Comment: 1
21 June 2018 Closing the Gap: a very worthwhile conference in Durham (2) This is the second of three posts about this conference in Durham; the first is here. Prof. David Ford (University of Cambridge) gave us a swashbuckling paper, delivered with enthusiasm and panache, coming out of his own work over some years on a commentary on John’s Gospel. This was fascinating, for Ford is... Categories Conferences/People/Research Comment: 1