17 August 2023 Is the Roman Empire a friend or a foe in Acts? I’m giving a paper to the Hindustan Bible Institute, Chennai, India’s online research seminar today (17 August), and so here are the slides and the handout for this talk. Thoughts and comments welcome! Categories Articles and papers/Research/Speaking Comments: 4
9 August 2023 Slides and a video on the parable of the wheat and the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) My apologies for the sound between about 7 mins 20 secs and 8 mins 45 secs: there was some distortion on the original recording which I haven’t been able to fix. Please persist: the voice is audible (to my ear, at least) in the fuzzy bit, and it then becomes clear. Categories Speaking/Study Comments: 0
6 August 2023 Ian Paul on practising evangelical spirituality Ian Paul, The Practice of Evangelical Spirituality, Grove Spirituality series 162Cambridge: Grove Books, 2022; ISSN 0262-799X; £3.95Available in print or e-book format from Grove Books website here I’ve read this recent booklet (28 pages) by Ian Paul with appreciation. He brings together lots of thinking about the kind of spirituality evangelical Christians practise (particularly in the UK), with a view... Categories Books and articles/Reviews Comments: 0
24 July 2023 Reading Acts Theologically—in paperback! I’m delighted to say that my book Reading Acts Theologically, published in July 2022 by T. & T. Clark/Bloomsbury, will be available in paperback on 24 January 2024, which makes it much more affordable. The official price is £28.99, but you can pre-prder it from the Bloomsbury website here for £26.09. For more about the book, see my post about... Categories Books and articles/Research/Writing Comments: 2
22 June 2023 Writing to focus on your contribution I’ve given a workshop on how to write your thesis so that you focus on your contribution to knowledge for our postgraduate research conference at Trinity College Bristol this week. Here are the slides from the workshop, which will give you a flavour of what I’ve talked about. One slide is a link to a Beatles’ song, so I’ve given... Categories Conferences/Research/Study/Writing Comments: 0
29 May 2023 Slides on Exodus 14:5-22: the sea crossing Crossing the Red Sea, Rothschild Haggadah, ca. 1450 We’re having a sermon series from the book of Exodus in evening services at Emmanuel Church, Loughborough, and I had the privilege of preaching on the crossing of the sea (Exodus 14:5-22) on Sunday 28 May. Here are my slides—alas, no video recording this time because of technical problems. Thoughts and comments... Categories Research/Speaking Comments: 0