Bursaries for postgraduate students from the developing world for the St Mary’s poverty conference

Postgraduate Student Bursaries for CSSSB’s “Engaging with Poverty in the Early Church and Today”, 4–5 December 2015 The Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, in cooperation with the Bible Society, invites applications for two bursaries, which will cover all expenses (travel, hotel, food, registration) for postgraduate students to attend the “Engaging with Poverty...

The final discussion on Chris Keith’s Jesus against the Scribal Elite

     Here’s the final (fourth) response to my colleague Chris Keith’s Jesus against the Scribal Elite in the fine Syndicate Symposium discussion which Chris Tilling has been moderating (see links here, here and here to previous posts about this discussion, and here to my review of the book). This time Jason Lamoreaux writes a thoughtful ‘review essay’ of issues in Keith’s book...

A third thoughtful interaction on Chris Keith’s Jesus against the Scribal Elite

    Here’s the third of the series of interesting interactions of scholars with my colleague Chris Keith over his excellent book Jesus against the Scribal Elite (first here and second here, plus my original review here). This time Chris Skinner engages with the book and focuses on issues around criteria for authenticity, and the offensiveness of suggesting that Jesus was illiterate to...

More discussion on Chris Keith’s Jesus against the Scribal Elite

        Here’s a further post in the ongoing symposium on Chris Keith’s valuable book Jesus against the Scribal Elite, this time by Tobias Hägerland (Lund University, Sweden), along with a response by Prof. Keith. (See my note on the first one here and my review of the book here.) Prof. Hägerland suggests that Prof. Keith understates the political and religious threat Jesus...

A very thoughtful discussion of Chris Keith’s Jesus against the Scribal Elite

    There’s a fascinating and very thoughtful conversation going on about my excellent colleague Chris Keith’s fine book, Jesus against the Scribal Elite going on at Syndicate Theology. The first essay response to the book is by Dagmar Winter, and it’s followed by an excellent response by Chris Keith himself. This is a conversation worth following for those interested in...

Matthew L. Skinner’s Intrusive God, Disruptive Gospel

Here are some extracts from a review that I’ve done of Matthew Skinner’s new book—the full review is forthcoming in Themelios later this year. I’m grateful to the review editor, David Starling, for permission to share these extracts in advance here. Matthew L. Skinner Intrusive God, Disruptive Gospel: Encountering the Divine in the Book of Acts Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos,...