Closing the Gap: a very worthwhile conference in Durham (1)

        I’ve spent a very enjoyable and stimulating couple of days in Durham this week at an excellent conference, ‘Closing the Gap: Best Practices for Integrating Historical and Theological Exegesis’ hosted by the Theology and Religion department of the university, and initiated and organised by two enterprising PhD students, Ben White and Justin Allison. Both had found that their...

Kristen Padilla’s helpful book for women considering Christian ministry

Kristen Padilla Now That I’m Called: A Guide for Women Discerning a Call to Ministry (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018) ISBN 978 0 310 53218 7 My friend Kristen Padilla has published (out on 12 June) a very helpful new book aimed at young women from an evangelical tradition considering Christian ministry. It’s well-written, engaging and highly readable. Each of the...

Two helpful recent productivity and writing posts

  Here are two recent posts which I’m finding helpful. The first is from patter (Professor Pat Thomson) about a new collection of short essays critiquing bad ideas about writing (which mostly seem to be US-based and derive from Strunk and White’s key book). Her summary is both clear and helpful (and a model of how to do so), and...