Is the Roman Empire a friend or a foe in Acts?

I’m giving a paper to the Hindustan Bible Institute, Chennai, India’s online research seminar today (17 August), and so here are the slides and the handout for this talk. Thoughts and comments welcome!


4 Responses

  1. I think scholars need to give more consideration to protective silences in Acts and Paul. For example, Luke must have known about Paul’s collections, and supported them, but he fails to explicitly mention the collection from Macedonia and Achaia. Nor does Luke explain the plot of 20:3. Surely the Jews told the Romans that Paul’s collection did not qualify as part of their temple tax and therefore lacked permission from Rome. The delegates could get into trouble. Paul protects them by giving them anonymity (2 Cor 8:16-18; 12:18), and Luke protects them by staying silent about the collection. For more on this, see my 2023 Nov Test article.

  2. Thanks Richard. I’ll look forward to reading your article when I come to that point in the commentary writing.

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