Category: People

Bravo, Eric Clouston! A new book on Acts in its literary context

Eric Clouston, How Ancient Narratives Persuade: Acts in its Literary ContextLanham, MD: Fortress Academic/Rowman & Littlefield, 2020ISBN 978 1 9787 0660 6 I am delighted to receive my copy of my student Dr Eric Clouston’s revised doctoral thesis, How Ancient Narratives Persuade: Acts in its Literary Context. Scholars have long studied the speeches in Acts as persuasive; Eric looks at...

Some helpful pieces on planning and study

I’ve been finding a number of really helpful pieces on different aspects of planning, research and study recently, and here share three of my favourites. Here is a belter of a piece by the wonderful Katherine Firth about ‘Taking a critical distance break’, explaining the very helpful process of stepping back from a project you’re engrossed in, to give yourself...

A fascinating discussion of Matthew Novenson’s The Grammar of Messianism

There’s a really interesting conversation about Matthew Novenson’s fascinating The Grammar of Messianism going on at Syndicate, the home of many such book discussions, at present. A key claim of the book is that it helps to think about ‘Messiah’ passages in Jewish and Christian texts as engaging in a ‘language game’ in which they use the term in a...

New Principal for Trinity College, Bristol

I’m delighted to share this good news from my college, announced today. The Revd Dr Sean Doherty, Director of Studies and Assessment and Tutor in Ethics at St Mellitus College (, is to be the new principal of Trinity College Bristol ( Trinity is one of the leading theological colleges in England, and is dedicated to equipping its students holistically...

Editio Critica Maior Acts: my ‘exegete’s view’ slides

Here are the slides from my brief talk in the Book of Acts seminar session on the new Editio Critica Maior (major critical edition) of Acts at the British New Testament Conference last week. The whole session was fascinating with talks by four major textual critics including (from left to right) Dirk Jongkind (an editor of the Tyndale House Greek NT project), Tommy...