Category: Articles and papers

Au revoir, Professor I. Howard Marshall (1934–2015)

I share others’ sadness (such as Mark Goodacre, Tyndale House, Darrell Bock, and Ray van Neste—and now [21 December] Ian Paul) in reporting the passing of I. Howard Marshall on Saturday 12 December. Howard (as he always asked to be known) was for many years Professor of New Testament Exegesis at the University of Aberdeen, and latterly Professor Emeritus. He was a lovely human...

Patronage and people: Paul’s perspective in Philippians

Here are the slides from my talk ‘Patronage and people: Paul’s perspective in Philippians’ at the ‘Engaging with Poverty in the Early Church and Today’ conference at St Mary’s University, Twickenham today, saved in pdf format. This was an enjoyable talk to work on, and allowed me to draw on and develop the thinking inPatronage and people slides  my earlier essay, ‘Paul,...

The final discussion on Chris Keith’s Jesus against the Scribal Elite

     Here’s the final (fourth) response to my colleague Chris Keith’s Jesus against the Scribal Elite in the fine Syndicate Symposium discussion which Chris Tilling has been moderating (see links here, here and here to previous posts about this discussion, and here to my review of the book). This time Jason Lamoreaux writes a thoughtful ‘review essay’ of issues in Keith’s book...

The latest New Testament Studies—on the ‘Gospel of Jesus’ Wife’—for free!

I’m grateful to my friend Christopher Skinner for sharing this video interview with Dr Simon Gathercole (University of Cambridge) about the so-called ‘Gospel of Jesus’ Wife’, a document in Coptic on which the overwhelming scholarly consensus is now that it’s a modern forgery. This video is being released by Cambridge University Press, who publish the journal New Testament Studies, to promote the free...