Category: Articles and papers

My paper about the significance of the authorship of Acts

A little while ago I put up the slides from my talk at the excellent conference on the pastoral implications of pseudepigrapha and anonymity in the New Testament, sponsored by the International Reference Library for Biblical Research, and held at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston, Texas. The organisers have now kindly made the video of my talk available (and...

A list of key Biblical Studies resources for undergraduates and Master’s students

In response to my list of key New Testament scholarly resources ( journals, book series, etc.), complied with beginning doctoral students in mind, a number have asked if there is an equivalent for Old Testament/Hebrew Bible studies. If there is such a thing out there, I’d be happy to share it through this blog. Please let me know. In the...

A ‘starter list’ of New Testament journals, book series, sources of reviews, etc.

One of my new-ish doctoral students asked what particular journals, book series, and the like I would recommend he keep an eye on. This was a very good question, and led to me producing this file (three pages) following very helpful input from a number of colleagues around the world. I’m happy to share it here—please do pass it on...