Who was Theophilus (Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1)? A podcast interview

Dr David Capes

While I was in Houston, Texas at the Lanier Theological Library during May, David Capes recorded a second podcast interview with me, this time for the Exegetically Speaking podcast which Wheaton College and the Lanier Theological Library jointly sponsor. This one focused on the identity of Theophilus, the addressee of Luke and Acts. You can access it directly here or (as they say) wherever you usually get podcasts (Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, YouTube). It’s a touch under 10 minutes.

In case you missed the first podcast interview David and I did, focusing on the introductions to Luke and Acts, here’s a link to my blog post about it.


1 Response

  1. Steve, how often did those who are called κράτιστε have Greek names? Felix and Festus were both Latin names.

    I have argued that he was not called “Theophilus” at birth, but was given that name by his fellow-believers. He likely sponsored the publication of Luke-Acts and it was common for new names to be given to benefactors of the churches. I also argue that he was a resident of Philippi. See the 2016 Tyndale Bulletin article here: https://tyndalebulletin.org/article/29418-name-giving-by-paul-and-the-destination-of-acts

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