Tag: New Testament Studies

Slides from my talks on ‘Becoming and nurturing a more confident people of God’

Here are links to download the slides from my three main talks for the parish weekend away for St Andrew’s Church, Histon (near Cambridge—picture of their lovely building above), mainly for the St Andrew’s folk, but others are welcome to have them if interested. These aren’t ‘academic’ talks, but are me seeking to bring New Testament scholarship to bear on...

Jonathan Pennington on the life of a professor

Here’s the text of an excellent talk by my friend Jonathan Pennington (Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY) about the life of a professor (non-Americans: read ‘lecturer’). He gave this for new faculty at his seminary, and I would think they found it very helpful. He very thoughtfully reflects on the aspects of teaching, scholarship, and mentoring and supervising others. Warmly recommended.