Engaging with Poverty in the Early Church and Today—don’t miss this conference at St Mary’s!

I’m very excited to announce the conference on ‘Engaging with Poverty in the Early Church and Today’ at St Mary’s University, Twickenham (London) on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 December 2015. The conference is being jointly sponsored by the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary’s University, Tearfund and Caritas (Diocese of Westminster). Details and a link...

Adelaide College of Divinity/Flinders University slides

Here are the Keynote slides from my Adelaide College of Divinity and Flinders University Annual Public Lecture yesterday evening in Adelaide on ‘Leadership, lifestyle and the book of Acts’. I’m very grateful to the faculty and staff of ACD, especially Dr Vicky Balabanski, for their  kind invitation and hospitality. I aim here to look at what leadership looks like in Acts, arguing that the primary leadership to attend to...

Review: Con Campbell’s Advances in the Study of Greek

        Constantine R. Campbell, Advances in the Study of Greek Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015. ISBN 978-0-310-51595-1. $34.99; £18.99 [paper] or £12.99 [Kindle] on amazon.co.uk This is a belter of a book! In it Con Campbell manages to review and summarise huge amounts of recent scholarship in a form which will be accessible to those with some Greek. He thereby enables...