How I researched and wrote a conference paper

Our St Mary’s education journal ReflectED has just published an article of mine reflecting on the process of writing a conference presentation, called ‘Thinking it through: researching and writing a conference paper’. It’s freely available online in the full pdf issue here. The reference is: Steve Walton, ‘Thinking it through: Researching and Writing a Conference Paper’, ReflectED 7 (2016), 3-5....

Welcoming Chris Meredith to St Mary’s University

My colleague James Crossley introduces our next Academic Director of Theology (teaching) at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Old Testament/Hebrew Bible scholar Chris Meredith. Chris will also be an internal affiliate of our fast-developing and productive Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible, and available to supervise doctoral students. It was good to meet Chris during our recent conference on Jesus...

The ‘evil book’ is out!

I’m delighted to say that the book arising from our excellent conference on evil in second temple Judaism and early Christianity in the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, held in May 2014, is now out and available from Mohr Siebeck. Edited by my excellent colleague Chris Keith and Loren Stuckenbruck, it’s a splendid collection...

First thoughts on Muraoka’s grammar of Septuagint Greek from Will Ross

My good friend Will Ross, a Cambridge PhD student working on the Septuagint, has provided a ‘first thoughts’ review of Takamitsu Muraoka’s new grammar of Septuagint Greek, A Syntax of Septuagint Greek (Leuven: Peeters, 2016). Muraoka is a master of Greek, especially on the LXX, and has already provided us with a superb lexicon (see Will’s video introduction) and Hebrew-Greek index of...