Jews or Judaeans?

There seems to be a growing movement to use ‘Judaeans’ to translate Ἰουδαῖοι in the New Testament and other ancient writings (e.g. Josephus), influenced particularly to Steve Mason’s key article, ‘Jews, Judaeans, Judaizing, Judaism: problems of categorization in ancient history’, Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 38 (2007) 457-512. Here’s a fascinating piece by Adele Reinhartz responding to this view and arguing for the continuing use of ‘Jews’—well worth reading.



1 Response

  1. Hey Steve,

    I would also draw your attention to the article by Margaret Williams “The Meaning and Function of Ioudaios in Graeco-Roman Inscriptions” ZPE 116 (1997): 249-62. I found it compelling.


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