Tag: teaching

Jonathan Pennington on the life of a professor

Here’s the text of an excellent talk by my friend Jonathan Pennington (Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY) about the life of a professor (non-Americans: read ‘lecturer’). He gave this for new faculty at his seminary, and I would think they found it very helpful. He very thoughtfully reflects on the aspects of teaching, scholarship, and mentoring and supervising others. Warmly recommended.

Details of our day conference on Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger

    Here’s more detailed information on the soon-coming day conference on the theological impact of Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger on Tuesday 8 November. This should be a cracker! New Testament folk will be particularly interested to hear Richard Burridge (pictured on the right above), whose work on the genre of the Gospels has been incredibly influential. The day conference is followed by...

Coming very soon! Poverty in the Early Church and Today conference at St Mary’s University

Next week (Friday 4 and Saturday 5 December) is our conference at St Mary’s University, Twickenham on Poverty in the Early Church and Today, and there are still some spaces available—so if you’re thinking about coming, please register quickly here. The conference is aimed at thoughtful people concerned about this area, including those working in NGOs, clergy and ministers, and Christian...