Tag: New Testament Studies

Larry Hurtado and Lea Keck on whether the NT is a ‘field of study’

     In case you missed it, here’s a fascinating post by Larry Hurtado, based on a very interesting article by Leander Keck about whether we should consider the New Testament as a ‘field of study’ separate from other early Christian literature. Hurtado’s conclusion is particularly interesting to me: In short, for theological purposes the NT is (and should be)...

Full video of my inaugural lecture now online!

I’ve now been able, thanks to the techies at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, to make my full inaugural professorial lecture ‘Doing Theology Lukewise: Luke as Theologian and Storyteller’, with the slides inserted at appropriate points, available as a video. This is an improvement on the facebook live version, which doesn’t have the slides and which (because of a technical glitch)...