Tag: Bible

It’s here! A new book on Acts, masculinity and politics

I’m delighted to say that my editor’s copy of this book popped through the door this week. It’s a fascinating collection of essays looking at the Book of Acts through the lenses of masculinity and ancient politics. The papers and responses were presented at meetings of the SBL Book of Acts section in 2014 and 2015, and they are very...

Thinking theologically about sport—guest post by Ben McNamara

I’m delighted to present a guest post by my former student Ben McNamara about the recent conference in York on Christianity and sport. Ben is a fine up-and-coming rugby (union) referee, and spoke at the conference from that perspective. Those who know me will know that I’m a (very) retired international volleyball referee and trainer of referees, so I’m delighted...

Details of our day conference on Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger

    Here’s more detailed information on the soon-coming day conference on the theological impact of Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger on Tuesday 8 November. This should be a cracker! New Testament folk will be particularly interested to hear Richard Burridge (pictured on the right above), whose work on the genre of the Gospels has been incredibly influential. The day conference is followed by...