Will Ross reviews R. Scott Gleaves on Did Jesus Speak Greek?

    Here’s a fine review/response to R. Scott Gleaves’ book Did Jesus Speak Greek? by my friend Will Ross. Will is a fine Septuagintalist, working on a Cambridge PhD at present, and has very helpful things—in agreement and in dispute—to say on this book, which revisits the debate over the language(s) which were around in first-century Palestine and (thus) the probable...

British New Testament Conference at St Mary’s in 2018

Put the date in your diaries! The British New Testament Conference will be meeting at St Mary’s University, Twickenham on Thursday 6 to Saturday 8 September 2018. This excellent annual gathering of established scholars and research students meets each year and moves around the universities, so we are delighted that the British New Testament Society committee have accepted the invitation from our...

New Testament doctoral scholarship available at St Mary’s University, Twickenham

I’m pleased to announce a PhD scholarship at St Mary’s University, Twickenham (tuition at the home/EU rate plus £13,000 per annum) for research in New Testament within our Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible.  For anyone interested in coming to London to work with me, Professor Chris Keith, or Professor James Crossley, follow this link for general details of PhD study at St Mary’s...

Au revoir, Professor I. Howard Marshall (1934–2015)

I share others’ sadness (such as Mark Goodacre, Tyndale House, Darrell Bock, and Ray van Neste—and now [21 December] Ian Paul) in reporting the passing of I. Howard Marshall on Saturday 12 December. Howard (as he always asked to be known) was for many years Professor of New Testament Exegesis at the University of Aberdeen, and latterly Professor Emeritus. He was a lovely human...

Engaging with Poverty in the Early Church and Today—report

Well, two excellent days of conference are over and we’ve heard some 15 papers and two short reflections on the whole conference, as well as engaging in eight half-hour question and discussion times. It’s been very stimulating with fine talks, passion and a sense of the importance of the issues we’ve discussed. And all this grew out of a conversation over coffee...