New Principal for Trinity College, Bristol

I’m delighted to share this good news from my college, announced today. The Revd Dr Sean Doherty, Director of Studies and Assessment and Tutor in Ethics at St Mellitus College (, is to be the new principal of Trinity College Bristol ( Trinity is one of the leading theological colleges in England, and is dedicated to equipping its students holistically...

A new book: Poverty in the Early Church and Today—A Conversation

I’m delighted to announce the publication of a new book which I’ve co-edited with Hannah Swithinbank of Tearfund, Poverty in the Early Church and Today—A Conversation (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019). Here’s an abstract for the whole book: Poverty, its causes and alleviation, are a perennial concern for humanity, and particularly for Christians because of their belief that all people are made in God’s image, and therefore valued...

Review: Tom Wright, Paul: A Biography

I’ve just had my review of Tom Wright’s Paul: A Biography (London: SPCK/San Francisco: HarperOne, 2018) published in the excellent Review and Expositor. For those with online access to the journal, you can read the final version here. If you don’t have online access, by kind permission of the journal, you can read the accepted version here. This is a fun book!

An interview about my book The Urban World and the First Christians

Tavis Bohlinger of the Logos Academic blog recently interviewed David Gill, Paul Trebilco and me about our edited book The Urban World and the First Christians (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017), and combined the result with some fab photos of Corinth and Philippi taken by David Gill. The interview is here. The good news is that the book is now available electronically...

More Bible reading notes on Luke—and a free offer again!

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had the fun of writing daily Bible reading notes on Luke for Bible Reading Fellowship’s Guidelines notes. The second chunk, covering Luke 14–18, appears in the edition just out—it has notes dated for January to April 2019. This issue has lots on Luke’s writing, including (Bishop) Jill Duff on women in Luke, and my good...