James Morgan interview on my Acts commentary

My friend Dr James Morgan, who teaches at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, has interviewed me about the first volume of my Acts commentary, which is now available in the USA, and will be available in the UK on 2 January 2025. Here’s the link to the YouTube video.

Here’s what James says:

In this episode of Life&Text, join us in a relaxed and enjoyable conversation with distinguished biblical scholar, Steve Walton, who has published a commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. The strength of his commentary lies in his keeping the focus on the text rather than providing a catalog of scholars’ views. He does engage with scholarly research, but his commentary invites readers to engage with the Greek text and Steve’s fresh translation. Steve keeps an eye on the narrative flow, following Luke’s cues and his literary sophistication. He offers here examples of his exegetical method by walking us through the sixfold format of the Word Biblical Commentaries: (1) bibliography, (2) translation, (3) notes, (4) format/structure/setting, (5) comment, and (I 6) explanation. Of course, experienced exegetes may begin anywhere in his commentary, but Steve recommends that readers with limited knowledge of Greek should begin with the non-technical overviews found in the ‘explanation’ sections. In this episode, Steve offers some examples of his exegesis, commenting on the Pentecost story (Acts 2), the apostles’ prayer (Acts 4.23-31), and interpretations of Jewish Scripture by Stephen (Acts 7–8) and Paul (Acts 13.16-41).

This was a fun conversation, for James is himself a fine scholar of Acts—we ranged widely over Acts as well as focusing on some key questions about the commentary. It’s 40 minutes. Enjoy!


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