How do speakers in Acts preach from Scripture, and what can we learn from that?

Here is the handout for the paper I’m giving at the Institute for Biblical Research and Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology meeting in San Diego on Friday. The seminar is in the stream ‘Scripture and Church’, and is focused on what we can learn for our preaching from the way that the scriptural authors ‘preach’ Scripture. My paper looks at the book of Acts from that perspective. It was fun to work on this and I’m looking forward to the conversation in the seminar.

Here’s the general description of the seminar:

“Scripture-Based Models for Preaching” What can Scripture itself teach us about preaching? How did biblical authors appropriate Scripture in their own preaching? What can we learn from portions of Scripture that were intended to urge certain ways of thinking to lead to right ways of living, such as Proverbs? This seminar explores these questions and others. The focus is not on homiletics per se, but rather models for preaching that emerge organically from Scripture itself.

If you’re in San Diego, come along! The session is M22-106s in the Hilton Bayfront (picture above!) Indigo B, 9.00–11.15. My paper is scheduled to be at about 9.35 am, but come for the whole seminar—Dr Dana Harris from Trinity Evangelical Divnity School, Deerfield is speaking on Hebrews, and Dr Brent Strawn from Duke Divinity School is speaking on Deuteronomy.


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