Category: Speaking

Full video of my inaugural lecture now online!

I’ve now been able, thanks to the techies at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, to make my full inaugural professorial lecture ‘Doing Theology Lukewise: Luke as Theologian and Storyteller’, with the slides inserted at appropriate points, available as a video. This is an improvement on the facebook live version, which doesn’t have the slides and which (because of a technical glitch)...

Slides for my inaugural lecture, ‘Doing Theology Lukewise’, to download

   Here in pdf format are the slides for my inaugural lecture ‘Doing Theology Lukewise: Luke as theologian and storyteller‘, which I deliver at 6 pm on Monday 15 May 2017. If you’re going to follow the lecture through the Facebook Live page, then please do download the slides to help you to follow the lecture. The Facebook Live link...

My inaugural lecture: ‘Doing theology Lukewise: Luke as theologian and storyteller’

I’m preparing for my inaugural professorial lecture (something UK academics do when appointed professor), and am planning to speak about how Luke ‘does theology’—in order words, how he uses narrative to reflect on and speak about God and God’s ways. The lecture will look at key features of how Luke uses narrative to ‘do theology’, both drawing out principles of Luke’s approach,...

Thinking theologically about sport—guest post by Ben McNamara

I’m delighted to present a guest post by my former student Ben McNamara about the recent conference in York on Christianity and sport. Ben is a fine up-and-coming rugby (union) referee, and spoke at the conference from that perspective. Those who know me will know that I’m a (very) retired international volleyball referee and trainer of referees, so I’m delighted...