More slides from Mark study days

Here are the slides I used for the second study half-day for the clergy and lay ministers of the diocese of Exeter, focusing on Mark’s ‘journey’ section 8:22–10:52. It’s a fascinating section, framed by the healings of two blind men (8:22-26 and 10:45-52), and full of teaching on discipleship. Comments welcome! If you missed the slides from the first study half-day, they’re available here.

Mark’s Gospel slides

I’m in the midst of doing some study half-days for clergy and lay ministers in the Anglican diocese of Exeter, and give below links to two sets of slides from the first half-day, which covers Introducing Mark—an overview of Mark’s shape and key themes, and a look at the death and resurrection of Jesus in Mark. [The second half-day’s slides are now available here.] It’s been very interesting revisiting Mark for this purpose, after recently revising the material on Mark in Exploring the New Testament Continue reading →

Galatians 2:11-21: a two-part sermon

We’re continuing to preach through Galatians at my church, All Saints, Ealing, and I have the privilege this week of preaching on 2:11-21, one of the ‘mountain top’ passages in the letter IMHO. Here are links to the two parts of my sermon from my YouTube channel. As always, feedback and comments are very welcome!

Galatians: overview and 1:1-12

Below are the two parts of my sermon for All Saints Ealing (London) this Sunday. We’re starting a series of sermons looking at Paul’s letter to the Galatians, so the first part provides an overview of the letter (13 mins) and the second looks in more detail at the opening twelve verses (10 mins). I’d welcome comments and feedback.