Category: Books and articles

Blog posts stimulated by, or about, books or articles I’ve read.

My new book: Reading Acts Theologically

I’m delighted to say that my new book is now available. It’s a ‘collected essays’ volume, bringing together thirteen essays about Acts that I’ve written over the last twenty years as I’ve worked on my Word Biblical Commentary on Acts. Most have been published elsewhere; two are published for the first time here. Alas, it’s not cheap in the hardback...

Craig Keener’s new book

Craig Keener has written a substantial, two-volume book on miracles in which he explains and defends a classic Christian view that remarkable out-of-the-ordinary events take place which defy naturalistic explanation, Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, 2 vols (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2011). That book particularly engages debates about the presence of such events in the New Testament....