A live performance of Richard Burridge’s new translation of the Gospel of Mark

My friend the New Testament scholar Richard Burridge has worked on a new English translation of Mark’s Gospel, seeking to be as true as possible to the word order, verb tenses, word-plays and puns in Greek, and the like. I’ve read sections of this and it’s fascinating—at times it sounds rather Yoda-like in its word order, and that helps recognise the strangeness of Mark’s writing in our English-orientated world.
Richard is giving a live performance of his translation with Justin Butcher reading the narrator, Andy Harrison the other voices, and Richard himself reading Jesus’ own words on Friday 14 October 2022 at 7.30 pm at St Luke’s Church, West Holloway, London. It should be fascinating! If you can’t be there in person, there will be an online live stream of the performance. More details in this file, including how to book for either the live performance or the online access.