Mark’s Gospel slides

I’m in the midst of doing some study half-days for clergy and lay ministers in the Anglican diocese of Exeter, and give below links to two sets of slides from the first half-day, which covers Introducing Mark—an overview of Mark’s shape and key themes, and a look at the death and resurrection of Jesus in Mark. [The second half-day’s slides are now available here.]

It’s been very interesting revisiting Mark for this purpose, after recently revising the material on Mark in Exploring the New Testament volume 1: The Gospels and Acts for a third edition (coming next year), and reading Helen Bond’s excellent The First Biography of Jesus: Genre and Meaning in Mark’s Gospel (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2020). My review of it will appear in Themelios in due course. Suffice to say that I consider Helen Bond’s work to be the cutting edge of academic study on Mark.


2 Responses

  1. Hi Steve, there appears to be 86 slides on your presentation from this morning – is this correct?!!!

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