Tag Archives: planning

Some helpful pieces on planning and study

I’ve been finding a number of really helpful pieces on different aspects of planning, research and study recently, and here share three of my favourites. Here is a belter of a piece by the wonderful Katherine Firth about ‘Taking a critical distance break’, explaining the very helpful process of stepping back from a project you’re engrossed in, to give yourself time and head space to see what’s really going on, what’s most important, how things fit together, etc. Here is a very helpful piece on Continue reading →

Chris Green on the excellent Full Focus Planner

I could write my own enthusiastic review of Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus Planner, a planning/diary tool developed from his limpidly clear thinking on how to organise your life to achieve the things which are important (rather than trying to cram even more into the limited time you have)—but Chris Green has done such a good job that I refer you to Chris’ excellent review of the (new) third edition. I’m loving using this tool alongside the digital  Nozbe as my project software.