Tag Archives: Bible study

Recent and forthcoming publications

It’s been a bit of a busy time for publications for me, small and larger, so here’s a little update. The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections (Abingdon: BRF, 2021)The Bible Reading Fellowship have just published a lovely book of 365 daily Bible readings with notes for their centenary, with lots of different people writing the notes, including many famous people. I had the fun of writing one of the notes, on Luke 18:10-14 on How (not) to pray (it’s on page 105 if you’re Continue reading →

Some helpful pieces on planning and study

I’ve been finding a number of really helpful pieces on different aspects of planning, research and study recently, and here share three of my favourites. Here is a belter of a piece by the wonderful Katherine Firth about ‘Taking a critical distance break’, explaining the very helpful process of stepping back from a project you’re engrossed in, to give yourself time and head space to see what’s really going on, what’s most important, how things fit together, etc. Here is a very helpful piece on Continue reading →

John Goldingay’s The Old Testament for Everyone series

It is my custom to read the whole Bible every year in my daily Bible reading, and I try to ring the changes on the system I use to do that each year. Over the year recently ended (I am not good at beginning exactly on 1 January!) I was using a reading system set up by a particular organisation and I became irritated by the devotional comments provided with the readings—some were just plain wrong, and lots were at best poor exegesis of the Continue reading →