My commentary on Acts 2:42-47

As many of my readers will know, I’m working on the Word Biblical Commentary (WBC) on Acts. My friend Andrew Roberts recently asked me to contribute to his Holy Habits blog on Acts 2:42-47, and I gave him the ‘Explanation’ section of my commentary on that passage—that’s the part of the WBC which focuses on pulling the threads of a passage together to give an overall interpretation of it. Here’s a link to that blog—you’ll find lots of other good stuff there too! Comments and thoughts are very welcome!


1 Response

  1. Dear dr. Walton,

    I look diligently for your contribution omothumadon in Acts, but I can not get the book The New Testament in Its First-Centrury Setting. Maybe you have published this chapter as an article in a journal?

    Erik Hogendoorn – pastor Reformed Church The Netherlands

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