Category: Articles and papers

A ‘starter list’ of New Testament journals, book series, sources of reviews, etc.

One of my new-ish doctoral students asked what particular journals, book series, and the like I would recommend he keep an eye on. This was a very good question, and led to me producing this file (three pages) following very helpful input from a number of colleagues around the world. I’m happy to share it here—please do pass it on...

Links for free NT resources during coronavirus

After discussion among a few colleagues on Facebook, I’ve created an open Google document with links for NT Studies. Some publishers and resource providers are making articles and whole books freely available online during the coronavirus pandemic—and there are some others which are free, but not always well known. Here’s the link to the document—it’s editable, so please do add...

A new book on healing and exorcism in second temple Judaism and the New Testament

Mikael Tellbe & Tommy Wasserman, eds.Healing and Exorcism in Second Temple Judaism and Early ChristianityWUNT 2/511; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019; ISBN 978-3-16-158936-2 Another month, another new book! Just out from Mohr Siebeck is this collection of essays from an excellent conference hosted by Tommy Wasserman and Mikael Tellbe at the theological college in Örebro, Sweden. I hugely enjoyed participating in...

A new book on Luke-Acts and ancient historiography

Butticaz, Simon, Luc Devillers, James M. Morgan & Steve Walton, eds.Le corpus lucanien (Luc-Actes) et l’historiographie ancienne: Quels rapports?Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2019. ISBN 978-3-643-90954-1. €39.90. I’m delighted to announce the publication of a valuable book which I’ve co-edited on Luke-Acts and historiography. Here’s the brief description: In biblical research, consensus is rare. Formulated by Dibelius at the beginning of the...

Some helpful pieces on planning and study

I’ve been finding a number of really helpful pieces on different aspects of planning, research and study recently, and here share three of my favourites. Here is a belter of a piece by the wonderful Katherine Firth about ‘Taking a critical distance break’, explaining the very helpful process of stepping back from a project you’re engrossed in, to give yourself...