Tag: learning

Two helpful recent productivity and writing posts

  Here are two recent posts which I’m finding helpful. The first is from patter (Professor Pat Thomson) about a new collection of short essays critiquing bad ideas about writing (which mostly seem to be US-based and derive from Strunk and White’s key book). Her summary is both clear and helpful (and a model of how to do so), and...

My new role at Trinity College, Bristol

After leaving St Mary’s University, Twickenham at the end of December 2017, I am delighted to announce that I’ve now joined Trinity College, Bristol as an Associate Research Fellow, to supervise research students through their PhD and MTh research programme, which is validated by the University of Aberdeen. This means I’m available to supervise research students starting this autumn/fall, full-time...

Sean Adams on the ‘Being Jewish, Writing Greek’ conference

This is a guest post by my good friend Dr Sean Adams, Lecturer in New Testament and Ancient Culture at the University of Glasgow (picture above), on the conference ‘Being Jewish, Writing Greek’ hosted recently by the University of Cambridge. I’m very grateful to Sean for his willingness to share this summary of what was clearly an excellent and highly stimulating...

Larry Hurtado and Lea Keck on whether the NT is a ‘field of study’

     In case you missed it, here’s a fascinating post by Larry Hurtado, based on a very interesting article by Leander Keck about whether we should consider the New Testament as a ‘field of study’ separate from other early Christian literature. Hurtado’s conclusion is particularly interesting to me: In short, for theological purposes the NT is (and should be)...