Tag Archives: Biblical Studies

I (Still) Believe—a helpful (and very varied) book

No, not this, but a book of that title which appeared in 2015, edited by John Byron and Joel N. Lohr, from Zondervan. In it a bunch of stellar biblical scholars write about how faith and academic biblical studies have gone together for them. The answers are very, very varied, as you might imagine. There’s a common thread for many of the North American contributors (about ⅔ of the authors) of ‘I grew up in fundamentalism, discovered it was more complicated than that, and here’s Continue reading →

A valuable video on LXX lexicography by William A. Ross

Here’s an excellent introductory short (6 minutess 37 seconds) video by my friend Will Ross on Septuagint lexicography from the Daily Dose of Greek vlog. He helpfully introduces the theme, and illustrates well by showing differences in approach in the two main Septuagint Greek lexical (Lust, Eynikel and Hauspie, and Muraoka). Worth a few minutes of your life!