Come and do a PhD with me!


I have good news! We have had some extra places for PhD work in New Testament open up at St Mary’s University, Twickenham (London), where I’m Professorial Research Fellow. You’d be supervised by me, perhaps in collaboration with my excellent New Testament colleague, Professor Chris Keith. However, to start in October 2015, you’ll need to move pretty smartly—applications need to be in by 12 January 2015. If you aren’t in a hurry to start in the autumn (fall for those in North America), we have a second starting date of February 2016, and applications for that date need to be in by mid-October 2015.

I’d particularly welcome students wanting to do PhD work on Acts, but I have wide interests and am open to many areas. See my profile on the St Mary’s University website, here, and Chris Keith’s profile, here.

Details of the programme are here, and information about fees is here for UK and EU students, and here for students from other countries (alas, we do not have scholarships to offer at this time).

I welcome enquiries by email: my contact details are my webpage on the St Mary’s website.


1 Response

  1. I would highly, highly recommend this. Steve was the Director of Research and my internal examiner for my PhD at London School of Theology and was fantastic. My subject was not Acts, but a special focus involving lexical semantics and Steve was outstanding.

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