31 August 2017 Slides from my talk “Acts as Biblical History?” Here are the slides (in pdf format) from my talk “Acts as Biblical History?” given in the Book of Acts seminar at the British New Testament Conference in Maynooth on Friday 1 September 2017. Categories Articles and papers/Conferences/Research/Speaking Comments: 2
31 August 2017 Tips for conference “small talk” Picture: the chapel at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth University Here’s a fine and interesting post about how to make “small talk” with speakers at conferences, just in time for the British New Testament Conference, which starts today in Maynooth, near Dublin! Categories Articles and papers/Conferences/People/Research/Speaking Comments: 0
13 August 2017 Jonathan Pennington on the life of a professor Here’s the text of an excellent talk by my friend Jonathan Pennington (Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY) about the life of a professor (non-Americans: read ‘lecturer’). He gave this for new faculty at his seminary, and I would think they found it very helpful. He very thoughtfully reflects on the aspects of teaching, scholarship, and mentoring and supervising others. Warmly recommended. Categories People/Research/Study Comments: 0
7 August 2017 Slides from my talk ‘Deciding about deciding’ Here are the slides from my 2017 Paradosis lecture at the Melbourne School of Theology, on ‘Deciding about deciding: Early Christian communal decision-making in Acts’. I was exploring how the earliest Christians made significant decisions, according to the book of Acts—strikingly, they do it communally, rather than a ‘CEO’ or ‘eldership’ model. Interestingly, Acts is one of the few places in the... Categories Articles and papers/Research/Speaking Comments: 0
21 June 2017 Suse McBay on spiritual growth through her PhD The Revd Suse McBay Here’s the second piece on how someone grew spiritually through doing a PhD, this time by Suse McBay, who is awaiting a viva shortly (if you’re a person who prays, say one for her, please). Interestingly, she and Gabby Thomas (who wrote the previous piece) were at St John’s College, Nottingham training for ordination at the... Categories People/Research Comments: 0
16 June 2017 Gabby Thomas on ‘The Gift of a PhD’ The Revd Dr Gabby (Gabrielle) Thomas I recently read a fascinating piece on the excellent Thesis Whisperer blog by a Hindu lady (I presume, since she talks about the Bhagavad Gita), giving her reflections on the spiritual growth she is experiencing in doing a PhD, and that prompted me to wonder aloud on facebook what Christian reflection on the process would... Categories People/Research Comment: 1