Tag Archives: John Barclay

Review: John Barclay’s new booklet on grace in Paul

Can you sum up a massive (672 pages) book in 28 pages? Professor John Barclay demonstrates in this fine Grove Biblical booklet that the answer is ‘Yes’. I had the privilege of being in a reading group which worked through Barclay’s big book, Paul and the Gift (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015) in the earlier part of this year, and I am hugely impressed that he has such a good grasp of his own argument that he can express it both clearly and succinctly—an ability that many academics would Continue reading →

Susan Eastman’s valuable review of John Barclay’s Paul and the Gift

   I was delighted yesterday to read a good medium-length review of John Barclay’s excellent Paul and the Gift (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016) by Susan Eastman of Duke University (who is no mean Paul scholar herself). I’m greatly enjoying reading through and discussing this book with our NT research reading group in our Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary’s University, Twickenham (of which, more anon, I think). This is a vital book in Pauline studies which everyone in the field will want to Continue reading →