The Book of Acts at SBL

Here are details of the two excellent sessions on the Book of Acts at the SBL annual meeting in Atlanta this coming weekend. The first is a joint session on ethnicity with the Gospel of Luke seminar group, and the second focuses on the same theme of ethnicity, with a bunch of interesting offered papers focused on Acts. Come!

S22-310 The Book of Acts & the Gospel of Luke

Sunday 22 November 2015
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: M303-M304 (Marquis Level) – Marriott

Theme: Luke-Acts and Ethnicity
Ethnic discourses have recently provided a helpful lens in the interpretation of the New Testament. Questions of ethnicity have long concerned scholars of Luke-Acts in particular, for the question of Luke’s perspective on Jews/Judaeans has been a critical site of contestation for some time. In addition, narratives like the Ethiopian eunuch and Paul’s Areopagus speech have prompted questions of ethnic encounters and their theological and historical import. This session is a collaboration between the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts units to ask questions of ethnicity in the interpretation of Luke-Acts anew. What is the status of these complex questions at the moment? What new work must we pursue? In what ways can ethnicity shed new light on Luke’s perspective on Jews/Judaeans? How might ethnic discourse clarify Luke’s theological perspectives? What historical insight might we gain with an ethnic lens of inquiry?

Brittany Wilson, Duke University, Presiding
Gay Byron, Howard University
More than Symbolic Blackness: Some Hermeneutical Reflections on Ethnicity and the Interpretation of Luke-Acts(25 min)
Carl Holladay, Emory University
Acts, Christians, and the Third Race: Harnack Revisited (25 min)
Matthew Thiessen, Saint Louis University
Indices of Ethnicity in Modern Constructions of ‘Luke’ (25 min)
Eric Barreto, Luther Seminary, Respondent (15 min)
Jonathan Tran, Baylor University, Respondent (15 min)
Discussion (45 min)

S23-209 Book of Acts

Monday 23 November 2015
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: M303-M304 (Marquis Level) – Marriott

Theme: Acts in the Discourses of Ethnicity

Steve Walton, St Mary’s University, Twickenham (London), Presiding
Aaron Kuecker, LeTourneau University
A Lukan House of Prayer (for All Nations?): Ethnicity, Spirit, and Temple in Acts (30 min)
Susan Wendel, Briercrest College and Seminary
Whose Promises Are They? An Exploration of Script (30 min)
David A. Smith, Duke University
Jewish Attitudes toward Gentile (Im)purity and the Evidence for a Jewish-Christian Sitz im Leben in Acts (30 min)
Christopher Stroup, Boston College
Ethnic Rhetoric in Jerusalem and Ephesus: the Jerusalem Council, the Salutaris Foundation, and the “Religious” Legitimation of Ethnic Identity in the Roman Era Polis (30 min)
Joshua W. Jipp, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Superstitious and Hospitable Barbarians: Luke’s Ethnic Reasoning in Acts 28:1-10 (30 min)
