Tag: Bible

More Bible reading notes on Luke—and a free offer again!

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had the fun of writing daily Bible reading notes on Luke for Bible Reading Fellowship’s Guidelines notes. The second chunk, covering Luke 14–18, appears in the edition just out—it has notes dated for January to April 2019. This issue has lots on Luke’s writing, including (Bishop) Jill Duff on women in Luke, and my good...

Editio Critica Maior Acts: my ‘exegete’s view’ slides

Here are the slides from my brief talk in the Book of Acts seminar session on the new Editio Critica Maior (major critical edition) of Acts at the British New Testament Conference last week. The whole session was fascinating with talks by four major textual critics including (from left to right) Dirk Jongkind (an editor of the Tyndale House Greek NT project), Tommy...

Offer: Bible reading notes for Sept to Dec this year

I’ve had the fun of writing daily Bible reading notes on Luke for Bible Reading Fellowship’s Guidelines notes, and the first chunk, covering the infancy narratives in Luke 1–2, appears in the edition just published. The whole set of readings looks great, and includes notes by my doctoral supervisor Andrew Lincoln, my former colleagues Steve Motyer and Miriam Hinksman (née...