The Urban World and the First Christians

I’m delighted to be able to share with you the opening pages of our new book which has very recently appeared from Eerdmans. I had the honour of editing this book with my excellent colleagues Paul Trebilco (University of Otago, New Zealand) and David Gill (University of Suffolk). These pages include the contents, authors, and the introductory chapter, which summarises the contents of each chapter. That should give you a good flavour of the book and (hopefully) encourage you to ask your librarian to order Continue reading →

Sean Adams on the ‘Being Jewish, Writing Greek’ conference

This is a guest post by my good friend Dr Sean Adams, Lecturer in New Testament and Ancient Culture at the University of Glasgow (picture above), on the conference ‘Being Jewish, Writing Greek’ hosted recently by the University of Cambridge. I’m very grateful to Sean for his willingness to share this summary of what was clearly an excellent and highly stimulating conference. Sean Adams writes… It was my privilege to attend and present at the ‘Being Jewish, Writing Greek’ conference that was held at Cambridge University Continue reading →

Jonathan Pennington on the life of a professor

Here’s the text of an excellent talk by my friend Jonathan Pennington (Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY) about the life of a professor (non-Americans: read ‘lecturer’). He gave this for new faculty at his seminary, and I would think they found it very helpful. He very thoughtfully reflects on the aspects of teaching, scholarship, and mentoring and supervising others. Warmly recommended.