
Andrew Perriman on how the gospel, the story of Israel, and personal salvation tie up

Here’s a worthwhile and stimulating piece by Andrew Perriman on his blog. Andrew doesn’t know how to be dull: here he engages with Scot McKnight and others on the question of how the intervention of Jesus in the history of Israel relates to a gospel of ‘personal salvation’. I’d love to see him join the dots up to how Christians today should proclaim ‘the gospel’ to post-moderns…

Larry Hurtado on the Apostolic Fathers

Here’s a valuable post by Larry Hurtado introducing the Apostolic Fathers and some key resources for reading these important texts. I read some of these with my MA Greek Texts class, and it was fun for the students (and their lecturer!) to read stuff which they didn’t know so well in English.

First article available

I’ve just put up the first article—a number of others will follow in the coming time. This one is my professorial inaugural lecture at London School of Theology in 2012. Click on the menu to ‘Articles and papers’ to find it.


Welcome to my blog! After considerable lobbying by friends and colleagues, notably Joshua Mann, I’ve decided to start blogging. So this first entry is about what I’ll aim to write about, and to introduce me. I’m a New Testament scholar by trade, presently working on a major commentary on Acts, and my blog will focus on my areas of academic interest. So you’ll read me writing about Acts, what’s going on in the world of New Testament Studies (conferences, books, articles, other blogs), and other Continue reading →