A new blog: Tyndale House Greek New Testament



Here’s the opening post of an interesting new blog which is appearing in the run-up to the publication of the free Tyndale House Greek New Testament. Dr Dirk Jongkind, a fine textual critic, has worked for some years on producing an edition of the Greek NT which can be made freely available without the copyright restrictions on other editions which currently exist. He and Dr Pete Williams, the other editor, are blogging about the process of producing this edition.

I’ve had the privilege of being a reader for the text of Acts which the project has produced; it was fascinating to read through the whole Greek text of Acts in this way! I think this is a good edition (certainly in Acts) and will be a boon to lecturers and students, and to those who need an electronic Greek NT to use on a website too. It will also be available in print from Crossway Books in November 2017.

So do have a look—it’s worth it!
