A ‘narrative exegesis’ of John 7:37-39

This was fun to do! I spoke at Emmanuel Church, Loughborough on Sunday 5 May on Jesus’ words about thirsty people coming to him to drink to receive living water (John 3:37-39) in a series of talks on the Holy Spirit. I did it by assuming the persona of John the evangelist and talking about putting my biography of Jesus together including this story. Above is the video, and here is the script I spoke from. See what you think, and let me have comments!

What is worship? A talk on Revelation 19

I spoke on Revelation 19 on Sunday evening (17 March 2024) at Emmanuel Church, Loughborough. Above is the video of my talk, and here are the slides. The focus is on worship, as in the chapter of Revelation. As always, I’m grateful to those who have thought about it more than me, including George Caird, John Sweet, Sarah Dixon, and Ian Paul. Thoughts and comments are welcome!

Revelation 14—the Lamb vs the beasts: an outline

I spoke on Revelation 14, which portrays the battle of the Lamb and his followers and the beasts of Revelation 13 and their followers, at Emmanuel Church, Loughborough, and here’s the outline of my talk. No video this time—we were having our monthly café church in our halls, where there isn’t a streaming facility. Thoughts and comments welcome.