The new St Mary’s MA in Biblical Studies

We are very excited about our new MA in Biblical Studies at St Mary’s University, taught by the team from the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible, which will be available from September 2017 (first classes mid-September). We’ve designed the MA around our research interests and expertise, so you’ll be getting us at our best and most enthusiastic! It will ideal preparation for doctoral work in Biblical Studies, or as continuing development for those in Christian ministry as priests, pastors, ministers and the like.

You can see the content from the web site; there are tracks within modules for those who want to study the biblical texts in the original language (Greek or Hebrew) or in English. And there are introductory language modules for those who would like to learn Hebrew or Greek from scratch.

It’s on offer full-time over twelve months or part-time over three years. Full-timers will take two modules each semester and then write a dissertation; part-timers will take one module each semester (= one 3-hour seminar a week + reading) for two years, and then write a dissertation in their third year. More details available on our web site—don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you’d like to know more!
