Adelaide College of Divinity/Flinders University slides


Here are the Keynote slides from my Adelaide College of Divinity and Flinders University Annual Public Lecture yesterday evening in Adelaide on ‘Leadership, lifestyle and the book of Acts’. I’m very grateful to the faculty and staff of ACD, especially Dr Vicky Balabanski, for their  kind invitation and hospitality.

I aim here to look at what leadership looks like in Acts, arguing that the primary leadership to attend to is divine—God drives the mission and growth of the believing community in Acts, regularly in spite of human leadership, and frequently against the opposition of some human leaders. I go on to look at the Paul’s speech to the Ephesian elders in Miletus (Acts 20:18b-35) and identify key themes about good human leadership in the believing communities there. Readers of my book Leadership and Lifestyle will recognise these themes!
