The latest New Testament Studies—on the ‘Gospel of Jesus’ Wife’—for free!

I’m grateful to my friend Christopher Skinner for sharing this video interview with Dr Simon Gathercole (University of Cambridge) about the so-called ‘Gospel of Jesus’ Wife’, a document in Coptic on which the overwhelming scholarly consensus is now that it’s a modern forgery.

This video is being released by Cambridge University Press, who publish the journal New Testament Studies, to promote the free availability of the latest issue which is (unusually) a ‘themed’ issue on this document. Prof. Mark Goodacre (Duke University) provides a valuable summary of the articles here, with helpful links to earlier online discussions which Mark engaged in and promoted.

I’m particularly pleased to see Dr Christian Askeland’s article in this issue—Christian laboured long and hard in his PhD work to master Coptic studies, and it’s lovely that his time in the sun has come with the publication of this claimed Coptic document.
