More Bible reading notes on Luke—and a free offer again!

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had the fun of writing daily Bible reading notes on Luke for Bible Reading Fellowship’s Guidelines notes. The second chunk, covering Luke 14–18, appears in the edition just out—it has notes dated for January to April 2019. This issue has lots on Luke’s writing, including (Bishop) Jill Duff on women in Luke, and my good friend Ian Paul on resurrection in Acts.

Here’s the free offer: Bible Reading Fellowship have offered to send a free set of these notes to people who will use them—but only for the first twenty people who email me. I will give priority to those who didn’t get them last time (but do still email me if you did get them last time—I don’t know how many enquiries I’ll get). So if you’re interested, please email me with your name and postal address.

More details of the Guidelines series from the editor, David Spriggs, and a link to buy a copy are here.
